Sunday, August 7, 2011

Colours of the White !

On the palette of life,there are hues-Unknown,Undefined and Unaccompanied.Each representing something,doesnt matter what.There is Green,There is Red and there is Blue.And when you would think,are they the only one,Yellow would creep in,Black would roar and Pink will desire its mention.
When you debut opening your eyes in this world,Red is with you.Green defines the life to you,provides your brain coil something to hold.And When you mature,you realize that its the Blue that rules the world.It is the blue that bestows all the blues to the palette if you dont possess it.But at this moment,May I insinuate that Pink is no less in giving you sorrows.Agreed,it makes the world beautiful but its the Pink who also snatches all the beauty from the palette.
As you grow old,you gather that Red has grown old several manifolds and wishes your attention.But then Black eats up all of your time and then there are tiny lilliputian Yellow too for whom you are the Red.You cannot abandon Black,as it furnish you Blue but then other colours are no less important.In this chaos,you suddenly sometime find that its Time !
In the quest of consuming all your colours in the painting of your life,you forget that the paper was initially White.And then you discover that all colours alltogether also make up White.
They are just the Colours of the White !

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